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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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what bl00dy sports section?! Has it finally given up the ghost? I can't get it to work!
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Why have you altered the format for the questions to italic it is most difficult to read ?
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Some post are underlines and most others are not. This is especially so in the Body and Soul section but also appears elsewhere. Is there a reason for this or is it simply down to the way they poster...
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Can we get rid of TradeWithMe, please?
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Similar to the rating system, but if the post/answer is negative then the topic creator can choose to hide the comment. I have just received an answer for one of my questions and the person has just...
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'"any user posting sexually explicit or offensive posts will have their account terminated.'" I presume "they that do" have learnt a stern lesson from the error of their ways then. Or is the above...
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Could having to register to use Chatterbank (in additional to being registered on the general site) be a possible answer to getting rid of trolls? If people had to register with only one username per...
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ban the cretins who post suggestive and filthy and offensive questions and answers, we can do without them. It's a valuable site for exchange of info, we can do without these sick people.
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To b honest I am grtting really psssd of with a ll this internt r fighgtong ain I and pleease cant we all lett bygones be bygones on here and all shake the hand off friend ship now come on you all you...
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Stamp out bullying and abuse on public internet forums. The Answer Bank has a moral obligation to prevent bullies and aggressive people from rejoining or posting. The sooner something is done to...
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That we should give legend on here a knighthood and leg I aint taking the pee I am serious. ED legend has kept this site alive with his mondane (I dont know what that means but it felt right) posts...
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surely you should stick to the rules and not have double standards? What do you think?
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Not having checked the I'd like to receive newsletters, and other mails ya de ya option under my profile I'm a bit peeved to have just received a mail from AB offering me ways to "beat the energy rise...
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Is there going to be an AB FFL this year. can i have a link to it? i would of put this in sports but its just to unbearable.
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Big Jenny
Wouldn't it be nice if the Search facility actually worked? It's SO frustrating, when you know a question has been asked and you type it into the search bar, and up comes No relevant questions found....
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May I suggest that the people who post comments on jokes along the lines of 'So far your jokes have failed to contain what we here at the AB call "Humour". ' & 'Wow, another one recycled from a little...
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that i can hardly ever seem to get to questions n the "questions unanswered" box? - if i click on them it says the page you have requested dosent exist and re-routes me to the home page. Why? does...
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Editor, I came on this site to ask advice on a puppy. I have been ganged up on and had my thread removed and I have even been called an evil rapist paedofile. Is this how a new user should be trated?...
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Okay editor what you lot been up to then.When I cranked up AB this morning I got this warning from my security thingy.yo . erm...if your after hacking into my bank details,.. forget it,my 19 year old...
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Can we have a Wind Up Category for all those Abers who want to annoy irritate and anger one another! I have to keep going to the Highbrow categories to get some sensible posts!

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