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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Your current poll in Q and P asks people to vote on whether there should be subsections in Q and P. There already are subsections! Are you actually trying to ask whether the Crosswords subsection...
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Many affected people failed to spot the poll and would have voted against the proposed change. Please bear in mind editor, those of us who use the page to answer far more than to ask questions. Our...
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to see only my username in the 'Recent posts' thingy?
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Hello Miss Ed. I hope you continue to make good progress in your recovery. I was thinking (cos I'm known to do that ocassionally) that it would be a jolly fabulous idea, just for the pure gratuitous...
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Just passing on some good news. The AB Ed is catching up with the backlog of emails and I have just had a reply to one I sent over a week ago. Some of you may be interested in this quote (inter alia):...
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No question - its just so refreshing to see that three unsavoury characters (or are they one of the same) have had their (his/her) inappropriate questions and inappropriate replies (to other users)...
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I would like to know how much access a school caretaker has to office files etc, does he have keys to access pupil information or is that out of his reach? the reason being ther's a caretaker at my...
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Sorry to be a divvy. can you e-mail me the info please AB? Ta, HANCOT XX.
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It might have been better if it wasn't assumed we know what Q and P means.
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Could AB please stop that awful flashing advert for Party Casino? It drives me nuts when I'm on the computer and I'm sure that any ABers who suffer from migraine or epilepsy would be glad to see it...
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I really get fed up with some of the morons who come on to the Animals & Nature site and give stupid, offensive "answers" (mostly with sexual innuendos). If these people (if that's what they purport...
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"Euro 2008 without England! How do you feel? Gutted! You can't have a football tournment (sic) without England. Couldn't care less not interested in football What if we're interested in football but...
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Concentrate on reinstating the reporting of individual posts and crack down on anti-Islamic, racist or abusive postings. While you're at it, why is it that Ward-Minter, who's been banned no end of...
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How far back to answerbankers go regarding questions, as I myself only go a couple of days back. If I post a question and get limited or no answers, how long should I wait to post again as I don't...
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I have just discovered the new blog and wish you well. I was surprised nothing had appeared in here to announce it although I believe there is something (isn't there always!) in Chatterbank. The brave...
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AB Editor
The Editor will be back in the office later this week. Please see the blog section for more information. Thanks
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Is there a facility on AB for private correspondence i.e if someone wishes to give another member their email? without others seeing it?
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How do I include a photo in my question
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I'm fed up the advert section being clogged by peple making repeated requests for the names of pieces of music rather than looking at the already answered questions. can't we split the advert section...
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Yes that time of year is upon us again, thankfully delayed by a few weeks because of a ratings issue. Nonetheless, it will be 'with us' until 5th September - one of many reasons to celebtrate the...

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