ChatterBank3 mins ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
Yipppeeeee! :-) can we have an answerbank iphone/blackberyy app now please? :-)
Please Eds would you bring back the option to have the Latest Posts box NOT refresh itself. Drives me nuts noticing some interesting question title only to have it disappear before my very eyes a...
What a good idea, I thought, a huge post an answer button at the bottom of each thread.
Then I came to use it, and only the tiny little bit in the middle actually works....
I would like to suggest that AB stops sending out an e-mail notification that someone has commented on a thread you are subscribed to when it's you that entered the message they are advising you...
There hasn't been a proper riddle in the riddles section for a week. It's full of crosswords and Quizzes. Why not get rid of it?
It looks as if it's hardly ever any use posting links to other threads, so I have copied from earlier exchanges: ummmm (14:17 24-Sep-2009) ... It just shows the first person who answered. AB Editor...
Ed, Spare or otherwise (I know that's what Im going!), Wot about "the list"? Bringing back email notifications was supposed to be on it for a start. Not only for replies to one's own...
1 down 2 & 3 letters ace incredible as ever -- or other clue is Humanly a_ a_l It looks like at all but why? Could anyone verify it please?
thank you...
Hi AB Ed.
Could you do away with the Riddles Section as it's full of Puzzle and Crossword questions.
Why have they stopped? Far better when you are alerted to an answer to your question.
see previous questions would reply but cant post any blooming answers totally miffed !!!!
Mr. Ed can you please fix the Server as it cannot cope with a heavy workload that happens on Sundays, especially. It is a problem all round.
contacted you about not being able to answer questions (KEEPS FLICKING TO FIRST PAGE) tried clearing my cache like you said but still not working,was ok at first when you changed systems but has...
I have just re-read the thread about the Q&P site which you initiated on 2 Sept. and which ran until 7 Sept. ( The request...
this option was also at the bottom of the page on threads last night-yet it seems to be missing now. It is useful,as having to scroll back up the page is a pain in the.... Will it show again at the...
when you click on to a question it goes to a blank page im off to the darkside sports/answerbank till the problem is sorted bye bye x
Please bring back the e-mail facility which told us when we had an answer. This was really useful.
Please do something about the Search facility. At the moment it is utterly useless. You are encouraging us to make use of it, but it's just throwing up stuff from 2003, 2005 etc. and nothing recent -...
Could we have the latest answers listed under "Latest Posts" as well as the questions please?