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would an ignore button save a lot of hasstle

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Bobbisox | 22:23 Wed 18th May 2011 | Site Suggestions
37 Answers
I suppose it has been asked for before but it may stop a lot of cat-fights and bitching
just a thought ED


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I've seen ignore buttons before. The idea is that you click ignore next to a poster you don't like, and you never see another post from that poster. The problem is that you can still see other members interacting with that member, and so you can feel like you're the excluded one. You don't know what they're saying about you ...

An alternative system allows banned members to carry on posting, but nobody can see their posts but them! This is quite a funny idea, but it's really just banning by another name ...
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good point boxy...maybe
Wouldn't work. You'd ignore somebody on a thread but could read the replies. You'd want to know a) if the comments referred to you; and b) what the hell they were talking about.

And don't forget this isn't an enclosed forum where you have to sign on as a member to read posts. If you weren't logged in your 'ignore' button would disappear and you'd see all the posts you'd been ignoring.

If you don't like the way a thread is going, just ignore the whole thread. If it's bad enough, report it.
Surely we ignore using our common sense?
I think the site is moderated enough as it is...............
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hc, I have to agree with you, but I can remember this happening
You make the button Bobbi ... and we'll all press it : )
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again , craft, you come up with a fair point I suppose
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not clever enough Albags...if only..LOL
I rather think the forum on which you remember this happening, was a very different animal from AB......

I reckon the Mods and the Eds do a good enough job, here.......
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yep I think you're right jth
I really don't remember where I saw this, I am not taking anything away from the way this site is policed though, this was merely a suggestion
you would just end up with endless new posts, pre-empting comments, paranoia, asking what happened, and askign people to copy and paste for them etc
I frequent a gaming website that has an ignore button function, it works surprisingly well and there are never posts and arguments about it. That site is frequented by mainly teens and 20 somethings and they tend to be more mature and less argumentative than the older posters on AB. I am probably the oldest person who posts
how come no one as answered my earlier replies?

it would lead to ABers having 2 names, so they could read what the poster they have on ignore, has said about them..
LOL pasta, no hope for us then ;-)
No need for an ignore button

Don't reply to a comment and hey presto you've ignored it
^^ oops, sorry that was for daffy, my hand just typed pasta - ignore, LOL.

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