@jan1957what are somethings i can do to make him stop,he is making a joke out of me and being very abusive toward me with his comments,Because i said i was depressed in my post and taking care of my hygiene
If you look at the bottom of the screen there is a Contact Us category so send the Ed an email. You are not helping yourself though by replying in capital letters which is deemed as shouting and saying you have reported them to the police, which is just ridiculous!
@Mugget I don't think so,He's being very abusive with the things he's saying to me,if he is meaning it to make me smile,he sure has a immature way of acting it.
Excuse me, annie - I am really sorry if in any way I have offended you - but my last post to you last night said "you're OK on here annie, keep posting" or something similar. I have sympathised with you in your agoraphobia as I have been a sufferer myself. Are you sure you're not confusing me with someone else? By the way I'm not a bloke.
@boxtops i was meaning some guy that commented on my last post his name is name is Arksided,i was just trying to ask you if there is a way i can block him,i wasn't meaning you did anything wrong i was just wanting to ask you