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Avast Avatars.

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vivandorron | 16:35 Thu 12th Jan 2012 | Site Suggestions
84 Answers
Come on Ed...Stop all this nonsense with Avatars.

Things are not going forwards but backwards.

My Avatar is now like a chess pawn.

Someone somewhere is playing games and I am not amused.



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I see your usual avatar - we've all fallen foul of the avatar-dragon in our turn - why get so steamed up about it. ron?
17:12 Thu 12th Jan 2012
then disable your avatar in your profile, problem solved.
I can help with Chuck's suggestion if you like Ron?
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I like having my Avatar and don't want it messed about. I am not one for wishing a change of my Avatar, as some folk are, and what guarantee is there that if I reverted to Jelly Babes that that would remain as such.

But it's only a picture. It means nothing....

We managed with jelly men for ages...before that we had no avatars...we still managed :-)
My head hurts :-(
Have you been hitting it against the wall?
Dear Ed,

I wish to complain that my avatar NEVER changes and it's BORING:-)
But some of us use our avatars to send messages or make points,,,it adds to the fun..but if there are problems at the end of the day its only a picture
here, have an intersting one, ladybirder
ladyb I like your avatar.

Ron do please get over it. It's a Q&A site not a moan site :)
there are no guarantees in life, Ron. It's possible that AB will be attacked tomorrow by interplanetary hackers who will destroy us all. We must just learn to live for the moment, no matter what avatars Fate saddles us with.
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Fair point jno.

I compliment you on having stuck to your original Avatar and sympathise with the fact that you once had to suffer a G string. :-)

Ah, fate....

Thanks jno but I think I prefer the one I've got. That one reminds me off someone on here. Might be AOG, not sure.

alba, thank you, I like my pissed off looking bulldog as well.
lol ED I like it, I like it a lot
Maybe we should find enjoyment in the simpler things in life, rather than grumbling about avatars?

like this guy:

Or this one ...

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