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cupid04 | 16:58 Tue 29th May 2012 | Site Suggestions
9 Answers
abers open another post when they don't like your answer. I'm not afraid to be told i'm wrong when I am [if that makes cupid sense].


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I think that sometimes they realise that the question is inadequate and create another rather than amend the original.....SBIRRO
Maybe they're hoping for a "better" second opinion of your answer, or hoping that you didn't notice the 2nd post.
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You are so clever, you two!
Maybe they've got two copies of the x-word.
Thank God someone's noticed! :-)
Maybe you inspired them (or it's the heat)
It's those arrows which you shoot at their arses. :-)

Questions usually only have a short shelf life. Questions that are more than a week old or those that have disappeared off the page get little reaction. By bringing the question up to date will nearly always get a new response.
Ron- I thought you were the more refined type of aber, bottoms up. Lol.

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