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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
I had a histerektomy 3 years ago but I now have a really fat stommick an I want to eat chocolate all the tits are massive do you think I could be pregnant
The Band of the Royal Marines

try switching it off and back on again

give him his own litter tray

Boney M
Do you think it might be Van goringens disease
Nah -Munchausen by Internet more likely.
Munching a Marsbar more likely ...
Panic over! I found my missing winning lottery ticket, turns out it was a missing losing lottery ticket. Wish I hadn't found it now!
We might being evicted for none-payment of council tax, tho I have been giving bf all my tax credits. Anyone know if porrige makes good hair conditioner tia xx?
nah..that's wallpaper paste, extra strength
I 8 2 Q B 4 I P

text speak!
I'm pregnant and I dont no how it happened
sqad, it is wet and windy, do I need to go to the GP?
That's what she said!
If I keep my legs crossed my mum says I will not get pregnant. Is this true?
Important message.

If you get an email from "Scaremongers'r'us" do NOT open it, because if you do, not only will the hard drive be wiped from your computer, but you, your children, (and very likely your unborn grandchildren,) will also lose all memory.

Pass this on.
What's happening? Where am I?
Please can someone tell me what PNSL means?
^^ PMSL!
Should I tell my best friend's husband that she's been having an affair? (She hasn't but I'm a bit jealous because she bought the shoes I wanted)
Great party last night with chi-chi, kiki, sunny-dave, euphemia and a few other animals from AB. However, I felt it was necessary to report to the Ed that one member was continually farting whilst folk were eating and should be banned from membership of AB.( none of the aforementioned members, who were super guests.) Also, I have drawn the Ed's attention to the person who made racial remarks whilst waving one of the Black Pudding which chi-chi had kindly brought along.

PMSL @ Tenrec

Apparently Ed thinks this thread 'contains every known example of nonsense ever printed in the hallowed pages of The AnswerBank'.

I think we should prove that he ain't seen anything yet...

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