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Bazile | 00:47 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | Site Suggestions
52 Answers
How about a temporary ban for all posters who feel the need to correct a typo ; when the typo does not alter the meaning of what they are saying


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Last night I typed 'Herpes' instead of 'Heroes' could have changed the whole intention of the post - I did see it in time though, phew!!

Mamya, guilty of ♥ abuse.
I don't see any harm in asking for a typo to be corrected if it obscures the meaning of a crossword clue. After all, if those who wish to answer the solver's question can't understand it, because of a typo, asking for clarification is justified. Isn't it?
I think Q&P is a little different bookbinder.The clues have to be precise to reach the correct definition
Just post underneath the mistake with the correct spelling.
2sp, how on earth can anyone be 'offended' by a typo? How I detest this constant 'offence' thingy! It's becoming utterly ridiculous!
What is > anyway?
I use !!!!!!!! quite a bit and will go on doing so !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Typo's offend me

they violate my ooman rights and perpetrators ought to be evicted from their countries and sent somewhere else...................... //
come on you would have no one left to talk to if all typo's and fat fingered errors were banned!
pips, it's the sign for 'greater than'
It's the people who type on phones who seem to make regular errors, or use daft abbreviations - I do make mistakes myself, my fingers type faster than my mind :-)
A typing mind, now that's novel boxy ;o) xx
naomi, I was being sarcastic.
I can spell but sometime my hands are faster than my head add to that I don't spot when spell-checker makes a change and things slip through.

I'm quite tolerant of spelling errors as the reasons are many and varied and you cannot know what those reasons may be.

I do agree that huge, long posts full of text speak and other shorthand with little punctuation or paragraphs are exhausting to read and fathom, however these people are sometimes in great need of help and aren't always trolls.
2sp, oh good. Pleased to hear it. :o)
I apologise to anyone who was offended by my posting which was removed.

Guess I'll never know why.

I feel sure that a number of ABer's are curios to know what I said and which, for no apparent reason, resulted in my answer being removed.

At the risk of my further comments being removed, it was deliberate Typos which read similar to the following:-

Ugnore them; I doo.

Personally, I can't see what wrong I did. Unless it was because I had humorously 'knocked the Ed in another thread and all of my afternoon's postings were then open to being removed.

Some one pointed out I get my words muddled earlier and it made feel about two inches tall, I am a dyslexic so spelling errors/wrong words sometimes get put in by mistake. I am also on a VERY ancient lap top and the keyboard likes to mess up from time to time, so letters get missed etc.
Q & P aside, I see no problem with tipo's sometimes the brain does operate faster than one can type, I have to admit though I considerate a challenge to figure out what some posters are drivelling on about even if the grammar is impeccable.

A ban is too far, besides some typo's are funny.
eccles has the same problem as me, then - fast fingers. I don't use a spell-check either, the thing drives me crazy.

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