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commoner | 11:57 Sun 30th Sep 2012 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
It is possible to award oneself BEST answer..can't see that this can be right ....???


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Yes- try it. (Or give it me if you prefer.)
Yes, but I don't believe that would count towards badges, if that's what you're thinking.

And don't give it to factor - he has far too many already... ;-)
You can but I don't think you should be able to.
Neither do I tilly
This is the second post titled Best Answer today.

I was given two great answers to a question and to save upseting one I mentioned them both in a reply on the thread and chose it as best answer to make the honours even. Then Cyril Sneer had a go. I've been in therapy ever since. :-)
Appropos of best answers, check out bibblebubs' best answer credit on my Avengers post in media and tv

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