ED If ED you are then I do apologise...two things though, why did those "bogus" posts disappear if they weren't bogus?? and Ed's little pink boxes have been impostored before, also usually ED signs his pink box So....at the risk of ending up in Australia ED I am going to report you to yourself. If it is you, email me and I will apologise publicly tomorrow.....
something else. I have no report this answer facility against jno, the ED (if it is) or mycatis, but can report any of the others. If it was just ED I might be grovelling but something isn't right. No email so far...
it's all a matter of who you know, woofgang... actually, is it possible that once you report a post, the report facility on all individual posts up to that time then vanishes? On the grounds that if you've reported one, you could have reported them all but didn't? So if you reported it after mycatis posted, you can only report subsequent answers? Just guessing here.
didn't report any on this thread, I posted my answer saying that I was going to report but then couldn't. I am fairly sure that when I said I was going to report, the option was there, but when I tried after posting my reponse, it wasn't and still isn't... let me check another one of my Q's..... PS still no email from ED
UM?theres no report this answer on jno's mycatis or the ED'S on mine.cetti ! did you mention xmas cake fueled by Buckfast!!thats another slice gone then !to me please.(:)my theory is the eds on holiday and the guy who makes the coffee has been left in charge.(:):::::::::::!Robinia,its nearly summer in australia,wouldnt fancy eating me xmas dinner on the beach thankyou!!(:)ed! when we gonna get the last chance saloon lol(:)
Well VINNY you might be nearer the mark than you think with you're theory, marge stated on another post that georgit79 was'nt really on her hols.....ABED was, and she was standing in for him, hmm that might explain all these strange goings on!!