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10ClarionSt | 20:26 Mon 26th Sep 2005 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
Ed, why has my post, entitled 'Eye 2 Eye Contact' been removed? It was only a joke that no-one objected to, as far as I know. I didn't see any objections anyway. So come on Ed. Who's the misery guts? Or what were the objections?


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We made..........eye 2 eye contact..................


Ahhhh.....whatever happened to Edwin Star?

sorry I didn't see it 10, otherwise I would have reported it
-- answer removed --
well, I hadn't reported anything for weeks and I was feeling itchy...

Hi All,

Unfortunately 10ClarionSt (no way of diminutizing that one, i'm afraid), I am not aware of said Question. Do you have a number and/or location?

Relying on my spidey-senses only I can somewhat safely say that your post was probably not removed because it was offensive. Although, if it was about Fish, then yeah, it probably was.


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