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dot hawkes

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flump1 | 23:35 Fri 30th Sep 2005 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Hi Ed , Have you kidnapped our dottie?  Can we have her back please, we were only playing a game.


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I think she posted too many film titles and the robots just sort of automatically kidnapped her cos they thought she was a spammer. She'll be freed on Monday, with some hazy memories of anal probes. This is an awful warning to all of us not to post too much in haste.
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Gawd blimey, can't they let her out earlier that that for good behaviour?
well I notice mrspswayze has started posting and I believe they're close friends, so maybe she has found a way
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I saw too jno  I think we are talking  split personality here?

I think we are talking human cloning
I love it when a plan comes together
MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I am off til Tuesday anyway!

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dot hawkes

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