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Canary42 | 20:38 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers

Following the recent initiative to improve clarity on the News caegory, would it be possible for the Answerbank system to leave the titles as they are typed, in all categories. That will avoid not only the ridiculous capitalisation of each first letter, but it will allow abbreviations like BBC, US, RNLI, MP, UN to remain without being subverted into the confusing Bbc, Us, Rnli, Mp, and Un respectively. It rather beggars belief why you needed to interfere in the first place.



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As I understand it, the change was made to prevent titles in all capitals. Capitals can be used if there are spaces so B B C works but not BBC.

The Ed actually asked for people's opinions on this matter several years ago.  The majority thought it better to see 'BBC' and 'eBay' in question titles, rather than 'Bbc' and 'Ebay', resulting in the Ed promising to go along with that decision.  However nothing ever got changed.

It's been like that for a long time, I agree it is annoying 

I'm sure it's easier and cheaper to type a space between the letters than pay the Gnomes to sort it.

I've looked at many thousands of questions in the news section. Only a tiny handful have lacked clarity to me after one or two further clicks.

Those ones I ignored and moved on from. It's never really been a problem.

Some folk seem to have a problem spelling BBC and EU anyway...

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