Spectator Christmas in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Spectator Christmas

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hypotheses | 23:18 Thu 12th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
20 Answers

Last one: 67A looks like GREEN(F)EED but can't find any reference to this term. Any suggestions?

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Any good? - OED (Online) has -greenfeed...In later use chiefly Australian and New Zealand.Forage grown to be fed fresh to livestock, either as pasture or silage.
23:30 Thu 12th Dec 2024

Any good? - OED (Online) has -


In later use chiefly Australian and New Zealand.

Forage grown to be fed fresh to livestock, either as pasture or silage.

greenfeed (countable and uncountableplural greenfeeds)

any crop, such as barley, used directly as fodder for animals

Question Author

Many thanks Lie-in. Knew what Greenfeed was but couldn't find any NZ connection to fully parse the clue. 

Glad I could help 😊

I presume in that case that there is some reference to New Zealand in the clue!

I haven't looked at the puzzle, JJ, but I had OED open for something else when I came back here, so obviously got lucky.

Question Author

 "Eager desire to eat evening meal in NZ." Had: GREE?EE? but answer must include a hidden F somewhere. 

Thanks both!

Wow. this was a mega journey

Annoyingly i cant parse 11D which is a regular clue.

TV model lost messaging ability (8)

I have TELE??P? so i suppose its Teletype but why?


and then 26A which i think is ?EG??O?E

so i guess its MEGASTORE without the A

but why?

Also stuck on 8D which i have as EA?? HORSE OR HOUSE

Adrift due ashore in IRon Age Spot (4-5)


Eard house anagram 

Tele (TV) type (model) - an old messaging system 


Thank you Scorpiojo

Any joy on 26A

Maybe IKEA again gets new lines ?EG?TO?E

Also realsied that i hadnt paresed 20D

Bullfighted raged having run out (6) TY??R?


Also realised 

20 Torero, bullfghter - Tore, raged  and RO, run out (cricket, I think).

I think 26 is More, again, with an anagram ('new') of Gets inside ('lines').

Very clever both

thank you


Johnpiper, you're welcome - glad I could help.

Stuck on 73a 'Earthy rocks in 'uneven' hole having no roof.' I've got HYET?RA?. And 80a 'Random act regularly ruins ours at first.' ?N?R?EED. I must have gone wrong somewhere.

80 Unordered, random, with the second R dropped. 

73 Hy(p)ethral

Thanks NACW Merry Christmas 

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