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Fair's Fair ED

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netibiza | 19:42 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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Now that the footy fans have the World Cup Section - how about a Primark section please???


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P.S. I've just opened two new packs of Primark knickers! lol
Whoops - forgot to say, replying on here so you receive the notification email, if you see what I mean. -x-
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Ta smudge but I do feel a bit of a traitor now, as I am wearing M&S knickers and intend to buy more when I come over in July. Still the rest of me will be clothed in Primark!!
Hi Neti - I used to love M&S & am still wearing some of their lycra tops I bought years ago! I might try some of their knickers too, next time I pop by!

I've been sitting at the hairdressers from 2:40pm until 6pm today! Had a trim & some honey blonde high-lights (foils) put in against my brown hair for the first time! I'm really pleased with it & it'll blend in more now the grey's started coming through!

I have to say, I took a peep at your photo on the other thread this morning & thought you & your sister were both so attractive! I remember seeing a later photo of you once, with dear IAP & you still are!

Well I'm off to put my feet up as I'm shattered & will nod off in no time!

Nite, nite, sweet dreams. -x-

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