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Headless Rat | 09:29 Fri 30th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
Hi, I realsie this is the wrong section of AB to post this question but I think all the users of "B&S" are pretty responsive and smart so hope it's ok.
Anyway, what I want to know is:
1) how would you go about setting up and in internet site?
2) How do sites, like Answerbank, make money for their creaters?Is is linked to the amount of hits they get?
3) Are there a lot of legal costs associated with setting up your own site?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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1. Setting up a site such as Answerbank is quite complicated and unless you are very conversant with program writing, you'd have to employ someone to do that. (not cheap).
2. Answerbank makes the moolah with advertising. Often advertisers have access to each page's number of 'hits' and their advert rates are set by this.
3. There is really no legal cost involved as such, but some type of insurance should be considered in case of public liability.

If you want to set up a simple hobby site you can make quite an impressive page or two with Microsoft Word, and save it as HTML. You can then post it on a free host or most ISPs will host it for free, providing you have an account with them.
Yes, wrong section and I&T is very responsive ta very much :oP.... not that I hang out there a lot or anything... honest.

1) Setting up a web site :

HTML tutorial (what you build sites with... well, basic sites!):

2) Advertising... see those things called banners at the top?

3) No legal costs at all, apart from standard hosting contracts (ie, where you put your web site). These can be free though.

Hope this helps.

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