most of his questions seem fine, though the volume of output is unusual. I spent a while looking up Faberge eggs for him (her?), which was illuminating and certainly seemed like a genuine query. There are plenty of other users posing real rubbish questions, so no need to single out antigrav... or are you doing it just because he's green?
jno no i am not, i personally think it is another regular ab user on a silly mission, i am just fed up of trying to find a history question amidst the tat that's all.
as long as the questions are in a ratio of about 60 sensible to 40 blather, i think that's okay... it's better than the B&S average. I mean, I can remember when it was all pure grit in here and you could be spanked for batting eyelashes and wearing lipstick.
lol jno, as girlylesbian has already said she is SR then i would say u are right too . Wimbledon is over now, and amazingly, SR is now SC (sexychek) lol, a change of nationality if u please!
I don't think it is any different to the q's and repetitiveness of repeat posters in body and soul. Antigrav's stuff is light-hearted and doesn't offend anyone.
The old, 'it moves genuine q's off the page' argument doesn't wash in B&S, so why should it in H&M? The people getting their words in edgeways are fine and dandy asking 1001 inane and pointless questions in body & soul.