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Spell Checker

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naz_nomad | 20:48 Thu 24th Aug 2006 | Site Suggestions
18 Answers
How about one in AB?


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Hiya naz,
Try the google toolbar. It has a spell check button, which is fantastic.
yes i use it all the time as i said on here last night, i am not naturally a careful typist, though i can spell.
I know i'm a fantastic speller,it must be a talent i was born with!!!Well,,,,,,,,,,,apart from a few words maybe???

This Google toolbar is so cool, it even translate languages. Thanks for this great tip.

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drestie . . . I wasn't asking for myself, but for those whose need is very great.
I love you, naz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LOL naz, I understand your pain.
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fee, thanks ...
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and ... the spell checker should be automatic.

As soon as you hit the 'Submit' button, it should check your spelling. If you can't spell, it should automatically post your question in a new 'WTF r u on abot' category ... lol
There is always this tiny program that sits silently until needed called IESpell.
What about an automatic word corrector:

here - hear - here

where - wear - where

where - were (a common one)

their - there - their

there - they're

your - you're - your

Lol at tictactoe, but you've forgotten

Know - Now - No ...
brocoli brocolli broccoli broccolli

definite definate

could have, could of

necessary nesseccccary lol

spel chk? wot use wd that b ?
I can live with the odd spelling mistake, hell we all make 'em, no one's perfect. It's the text speak which irritates the crap out of me- that's just downright laziness.
Ah, but bear in mind...
"Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plane lea marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lee ever wrong
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew."
lol, very good QM, seen that before but still funny :-)
I knew - new - noo I had missed - mist - mizzed one - 1 - won out - owt - nemesis, but could,nt - coudnt - couldn't remember which - witch - won - one - 1 it was !!


n00dles ☺

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