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Football should be on the main menu

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Gromit | 17:57 Thu 07th Sep 2006 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers
Football Section


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o k why not

It's a sub section of sport. Don't hear the good folks on TV moaning about the BB and X Factor sub categories do you?

Also Ed has mentioned that there'll be other sub categories added to the old ABsoon. Imagine how long it'd take you to scroll down them all if they all had their own headings over there?
As soon as the football section was launched, I suggested that there should be something at the top of the Sport section reminding people about the Footy section, just like there's reminders about posting questions in Q&P if it's a quiz question. I stand by that idea. To quote David Brent, a good idea is a good idea forever.

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Football should be on the main menu

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