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archiestaffy | 15:00 Sun 17th Sep 2006 | Site Suggestions
15 Answers
Can someone tell me why some peoples username is green like mine but some other peoples isnt?


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coz you are lasts 2 weeks then you go grey
Because you're a new user, you'll stay green (think Kermit) for two weeks, then you'll become a borin' grey like the rest of us.
Opps, sorry zorro, your reply wasn't there when I started typing- honest!
Another tip for you by the way, when you type a question (thread) like the one you have just done, when you submt it, some blue writing appears underneath, this is a selection of previous questions that has contained the key words u have used.
Another tip for you by the way, when you type a question (thread) like the one you have just done, when you submt it, some blue writing appears underneath, this is a selection of previous questions that has contained the key words u have used.
Am I seeing double. Why is dot.hawkes and zorro's answer identical.
wendilla, thought i was seeing things! dot & zorro ? how come they are exactly the same and only 8 minutes between them ? strange......
err what is going on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zorro what did u do!
Another tip for you by the way, when you type a question (thread) like the one you have just done, when you submt it, some blue writing appears underneath, this is a selection of previous questions that has contained the key words u have used.
Think zorro is trying to be funny.
think someone? is trying to take the p***! �
dorothy...see BOOBOOs answer....mine is an ironical p!sstake
Zorro do you know the definition of irony? lol

apart from the Garland Green / Steely Dan quote from Con Air
I did say "trying" didn't I?
Irony is playing a song by a band who died in a plane crash , when you are on the verge of a plane crash

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