Jim - as an old timer of AB, I recently emailed the Ed, mentioning that lots of AB'ers still appear to prefer posting under the main headers, etc., but have yet to hear back........
Like Sarah, I don't think we should be able to post under the Headers & just use the sub-sections - that's what they are there for after all. Or - put it back to as it was before!
I agree smudge - although I have to say I think the old system a much better one. But we are not being listen to. The silence on this subject is deafening. Jools by the way. :-)
vidkum - I read that thread yesterday & forwarded it onto the Ed via email - the same as I have with some of the other similar ones that have appeared on here.
You can't please all of the people all of the time, but I'm sure the AB team are looking at all aspects of running the site smoothly & for it to be in the best interests of everyone, including making some money from the advertising side of it too!
That's what I was saying JimJools - either put it back to as it was, or use the sub-categories to their full potential.
If the AB team decide to keep it as it is (which is their prerogative), the Topic Header should be used as a 'Title' only & not for posting under, otherwise, what's the point?! ;o}