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bobtheturkey | 19:48 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Site Suggestions
50 Answers
has lost all semblance of humour within its walls and the walls are grey and i ask myself is there a point any more? i dont really want to know the best suppository to treat piles or the area in square miles of greenland or the mating rituals of the danish woodpecker, is humour such a bad thing on a site?


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blimey ...this is all a bit strong, innit?

I mean, I know Bob talks complete garbage 'most' of the time, and some of it is fairly amusing, but don't you all think it's being taken to extremes?

Just because the Wart-Mincer isn't here, no need to throw your rattles at Bob...
i dont think anyone is throwing their rattles really
in that case, I stand corrected ...
humour is great ... your posts however are.. something else.
please no more mrs harris gags - ever time i see another one i like this site and you less



I had a feeeling my earlier suggestion would come in handy.

BTW, I agree with you BOO.
I also agree with whiffey.

All together now:

"If you're happy & you know it clap your hands"!
Hi Bob. I think ab would be extremely dull if everybody was deadly serious all the time. I don't think I'd like it very much.x
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almost as funny as the idea of someone actually giving birth to a non entity such as you iggy, 2am? dole king? :)
hi bob

Stay with the Site - the new Ed is just that - new, and still getting to know the Site and the ABers.

Much humour has drifted towards sour carping.

Humour should not cause offence and be appropriate, but too much of anything is never good .... upsets the equilibrium.

I find that too many threads are now just offensive ... not humourous ..... Question324862.html

... but, humour is different for each person

So, leave it to Ed

hey that was my banned thread...I didnt think there was anything wrong with it

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