Yes daisy, I agree to a band of friends on here chatting - I would join in too if I had the time (being quite gregarious), but the topic of convo here is this so called "clique" ganging up on another member - completely different kettle of fish!! Have they really got time to confer on another web/chat site to say to one another 'lets oust' ...........(the names have been changed to protect the innocent) ?? Surely not?
I wholeheartedly agree that asking (not even asking sometimes - just stating) "What time is it, now?" followed up with "I can't be bothered to look at the clock" is pure and utter cr@p, but hey, maybe they need some kind of stimulation where they will get a reply from someone as there are so many on the site. Again though this is not what I was referring to.
Somebody started this "gang" post once, to refer to an elite club of abers, who go about not allowing anybody else to answer/join in/joke with etc etc. They also are said to gang rape a fellow aber if that person doesn't wear the right colour socks, or does not conform to or laugh at their jokes. What a load of old ********!!!! I've not been on AB that long, but have not seen anything like this going on.
Maybe if I'm still abering in a couple of years, I too will "see" this elite club at work!