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netibiza | 13:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Just popped in to say Goodnight to you all and probably Good morning to Jno down there in the cabbage patch.
I see Vinny only has three sprouts left to skittle with....we'll have to have a whip round for him . On second thoughts .....that may not be a good idea if the wind gets up.
Sweet dreams all .. keep warm ...toodlepip for now x
todays news in short...

my butts frozen!

I have run out of nivvy......!!!
(have you seen the price of it? when did it go up from 1s. 9d. ?)

sky's the limit for the biddies

What IS your weather doing over there ? I read about daffodils blooming then Robi's butt is frozen !!!I think it's all a plot to confuse me (and it's succeeding !!!!)
Feeling a bit better to-night ,had more tests today and some tomorrow ,at least I'm keeping someone in a job.
My asthma is getting under control a lot more .
I do hope Judes' Dad is much better now as I hope everyone else is too . Loved those Kale cabbages jno.
Well must go time for Supper (no,not chs on tst )shaney! Bye xxx
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this sky is the limit for neti!

and why are you sending us foreign thingies - I cannot understand all that.
Afternoon biddybabes..!
anyone got snow yet....were spose to be having a load tonight.....oh no...wont be able to drive to work tomorrow....Yes..!it is weird weather were getting Dolly....mind you ,they blame all this hot air on global warming....personally..methinks it comes from derby...hehe..! >>>quickly runs orf.before she wacks me again
a puzzle (:O)
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thwacks Vinny for Robinia as she's not around!!! Oh beggar, that's torn the Women's Weekly!!!
its Snowing...!..(*_*)
Hi dolly - glad to see you seem much brighter!
just hammering the shutters up & stuffing the cracks with old socks....gonna be snow up to charlie's sphericals tomorrow.

thanks neti - sorry bout ya woman's have my bunty annual, it thwacks harder....

what's that yokel saying about me? stingy? ....I've just paid squillions for a pot of miracle cream I'll have him know
is it working?

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I couldn't actually work out what he was on about - it's all this dialect nonsense. Next time I whack him I'll use my "School Friends Annual" they were made to last.

Gald you are feeling better Dolly
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Dolly I actually mean* glad*
well I wasn't exactly sure - but it seemed near enough....

is that OUR snowman's nose?!
It's on it's way folks ....battern down the hatches !!
Shaney knows you see... he's been outside sniffing the air and wagging his tail ready to roll about in it !
Nice to see you Dolly glad are you feeling a bit better.
Do tell me ....if it wasn't chs for supper was it srdns ?

I have no clothes in my wardrobe ..they are all my back's ...freezing -6 on my garden thermometer thingy.
I reckon even Vinny's sprouts are frozen .I am talking about the vegetable variety ..... Runs for cover...
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Oh you lucky things - quite disapointingly warm here - only needed a t-shirt and sweatshirt with jeans and trainers to go out in, no sox, still it might get a bit colder here if you lot have snow. Just seen weather prediction for Derby max0 min0 and heavy snow, move over Robi neti's on her way.
Lol .. Neti lucky thing !!!
I am indoors and only need my underpinnings,a thick poloneck sweater....jeans,socks,my Ugg boots.and one of those long cardis ! I have a hat and a pair of fingerless mittens on standby !!
/muffled cussing coming from up north/

Went to sleep in a yukata and woke up in this iron maiden! /muffled singing...oy if I get that boy / I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention.../

Titta Shaney, it's your show! (Watch as it ripens.) / Why are we writing chs in text, is it less fattening that way...?

Hi jno, those were beautiful cabbages! If you're still in Asia, do you think you could nip over to Tokyo (no pun intended) and say hello to my eldest half-sister for me...? I tried to call her the other day, and as they are eight hours ahead of us and I'm an insomniac, I made the call at 2.30 in the morning. A breathless lady answered Hello...? - in Swedish...! I'd forgotten the national dialling-out code... She was terribly nice about it though, said she had just been to the bathroom and was awake anyway, but still, I 'did a full poodle' (Swedish expression for repenting in a completely submissive manner - mea culpa et cetera.)

So, who wants a worry doll - Jude? Dolly?

Lol Kit <B > ..yes it is less fattening to write chs in text speak !! Who am I trying to kid.
I could do with one of those dolls ....I wonder if they do ones you can stick pins into ....that may get rid of the albatross that is hanging round my neck !!
Tut .. sorry ..didn't mean to shout !
But you did shout, Shaney, you did shout - and we don't take kindly to that.

This kind?
Sorry, got to go before the grocery store closes... Good night all!

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