/muffled cussing coming from up north/
Went to sleep in a yukata
and woke up in this iron maiden! /muffled singing...oy if I get that boy / I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention.../
it's your show! (Watch as it ripens.) / Why are we writing chs in text, is it less fattening that way...?
jno, those were beautiful cabbages! If you're still in Asia, do you think you could nip over to Tokyo (no pun intended) and say hello to my eldest half-sister for me...? I tried to call her the other day, and as they are eight hours ahead of us and I'm an insomniac, I made the call at 2.30 in the morning. A breathless lady answered Hello...? - in Swedish...! I'd forgotten the national dialling-out code... She was terribly nice about it though, said she had just been to the bathroom and was awake anyway, but still, I 'did a full poodle' (Swedish expression for repenting in a completely submissive manner - mea culpa et cetera.)
So, who wants a
worry doll -
Jude? Dolly?