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Too Much E-Mail

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stewey | 13:54 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
12 Answers
Is it possible NOT to have an e-mail sent to me every time that I get a response to a question?


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Aye, it is- on your question page on the to top right theres a box saying something along the lines of "got the answer you need?", if you click that, no more emails will be sent to you.
Just click on the thing that says you have recieved enough answers and they will stop
Question Author
Thanks, BOO and mycats, but I don't see anything like what you both mention on my question pages.
It should be, just under the question box, to the right, a red box.
Question Author
Something's wrong, BOO. I don't have what you have!.................. I went to "my profile" and clicked on my questions: all I get is a reddish-orange box with a big "Q" and "A" in it, the question, and underneath the question the words "previous" and "next". I am missing some parts, where did they go?
I haven't got one of those boxes either stewey.....I don't recieve the emails though. I use to but they just stopped on their own....!!
stewey - just look up at the top right of this screen. There should be a red band that says something along the lines of "Got an answer?" Click there, and you can stop email notifications for this question. Does that work?
Question Author
So, ummmm, you and I have something in common: some form of deadly disease characterized by missing parts! BOO and mycats appear to be the only healthy ones in this lot
Question Author
Drestie, thank you so much!!.................Now I understand; the top right of the SCREEN , not the top right of the ANSWER BOX. I see it now and I'll use it.....Thanks again....................Do you see it,ummmm?
Blimey stewey!
I'm going to have a look..............

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Too Much E-Mail

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