will these form a part of the paid survey option some of us signed up for a few months ago? As a premium member, i , and probably a few of my fellow premium members, would like to know what will be the preferred method of remuneration. i sublitted my bank details but i was wondering if there was any chance of cash in hand for the answers we provide to these new corportate question. No need to bother the Tax man they have enough to do already.
Oh I didn't apply, like the others i was sent an invite but i don't know why- i only use the downloaded music and maybe the discount on the film shows.
Oh pffft athley you're still viewing AB via the normal service? How on earth can you stand looking at that awful orange and white background each time you visit?
Do yourself a favour and switch over to AnswerBankPlus+, your viewing pleasure is so much more enchanced when you've got a choice of multiple backgrounds to choose from, the piped music is very relaxing as well.
Ye Gods, i'd forgotten that they see the stars as them poxy little red things.
I honestly don't think I'd still be visiting the 'ol AB if we hadn't received the emails from Ed asking us if we wished to upgrade to AB+.
Every now and then I sign out of AB+ and have a look at AB through the normal service, and it looks sooooooooo basic and naff, if you want a giggle, I highly recommend it.
Now that is very snobbish of you, i have ventured over to the dark side occasionally, but I think i would miss the glamour and ficnish of the upgrade screen and not having to suffer those awful ads is a bonus, i much prefer the quizzes on the side.
I have negated my ABplus++ m�ship and would refuse future attempts to upgrade because from what is written above, it clearly comes with psychedelic hallucinatory drugs.
I thought it was only the �The Green Ones� who used pseudo-literary enhancing substances in their posts, much worthy of rebuke.
I would assume that the previous ABed could never find any real value in ABers views to merit the distribution of cash.