I don't like them. I can go to news groups to discuss these. Why not keep to the purpose of the site which is a question and answer site. I know questions often have debates attached but why is AB asking questions to fuel sensitive topics and create debates?
Personally i dont mind the questions, there are certainly worse questions posted by individuals on AB on a regular basis. My problem with them is that they seem to have a one-sided view rather than encouraging a balanced debate. It also seems odd that you are suggesting to the people that run AB what the purpose of the site should be.
If I could go back to around 2004, I could find you a link in which I had an argument with an AB Editor. The reason was my post was banned for being too chatty, and when I complained, AB said that this is a Q&A site and not a chat / debate site.
Now there doing exactly what they banned me from doing!!
Well this is the suggestions place. And I often did see the website advertised as Q & A. I noticed it's now questions and debates. I objected mainly to the un-objectiveness of the questions. They are not asked objectively with any sort of research into the detailed and deep topics. It's just really put me of the site and, yes I know I can leave before you say it.
I personally don't mind them, however i really wish that the Ed would put up links backing their claims and theories up.
Take today's posts on B&S and Animals &Nature, both topics are close to my heart, I abhor animal cruelty in anyway shape or form and I get the impression that the posts are personal opinions of Ed and or the Editorial team and not facts.
Todays posts are based on both fact and opinion although may I add not necessarily my own personal opinion. There are a variety of sources used to write the questions and where possible I will get the team to state the sources.
As for this being a question and answer site I totally agree and we do keep the 'AB Asks' feature question focused.