days gone by catagory in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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days gone by catagory

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musicmummy | 19:33 Fri 09th Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
Hi i would like to see a days gone by catagory so that if you have vague memories of your childhood or schooldays such as fashion songs stories tv programmes events, someone might be able to help.
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Musicmummy, I think I know what you mean. Sort of a "Down Memory Lane" type of thing. Attempting to recall the past: "The Good Old Days" softened and mellowed by the patina of fading, but potent memories............I don't think we need a special topic for this: use "Body & Soul" or "History". Ask me a "memory" question tomorrow and I'll respond.
hi musicmummy - lots of us on here have asked for a dusty old 'Cubby-hole' category over the past 18 months or so but they just give us another pill & tell us we're rambling again.

Surely this is what inspired the Biddybankers, is that right Robinia?
It's true marmoset, but when they wouldn't give us a permanent home we became (as jno calls us) the Biddouins...every few weeks we have pack up our tartan rugs & move on...it's a disgrace.
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thank f.or your support fellow ab-ers. come on ab ed, give us a slot .K.
S0d those that knock us "more mature" ones : ) if you want to ask .......ask away ..and im sure youl get loads of "memories"

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