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which username?

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unruliejulie | 18:29 Mon 12th Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
48 Answers
which user name on AB have you admired the most for its originality?
My all time top 3 have been gingerflaps, ladygarden and sar-caustic!
Im sure there are loads more but i cant think of them. So whos name always gives you a giggle?


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Sue de nym
Question Author
thanks ummm, yep, thats a good un!

if the answers are relevant to my question, i would prefer them to remain so i can at least see them first! :-)
unruliejulie, I always like your name, it posts a rather nice 'wild child' picture in my head.
Question Author
sue de nym, you couldnt be further from the truth, im about as wild as a weekend in Bognor! lol

please folks, dont delete any answers , theres 2 down in a couple of mins, i can accommodate everyone!
I always liked bobtheturkey before he down-sized :-)
Question Author
nice choice sunday!!!! lol
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where have dots answers gone???
Well julie, there are a few possibilities. Putting aside the long shot that they have been spontaneously leaping out of the database like fireworks, it seems likely that someone has been reporting them. Not me, I have been sorting out errant Henry IV threads in History and I am just lining up a blue tit in A & N.
hi julie, like my thread in suggs says, they vanished earlier whilst i wasn't here lol
None that spring to mind, although I can`t stand usernames with numbers in them

Me neither Elvis ;o)

I like Dontask..although I read it as Don Task..

Unrulie of course!

And Ward-Minter made me think of a posh sweetie.
aye right elvis ya gimpo
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Thanks for the wonderful insight woofter!!!!!! It wsasnt so much of "how have they gone" but more of a "why" see where im coming from?????
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this IS a question so why has it been moved to suggestions?????????????? we'll have to start calling this site suggestionbank!!
I don't get Dan Glebbits? :-(
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sasha, let me explain, Dan Glebbits, dangly bits! say it fast lol
I was looking for Suggs for ages..until the penny finally dropped... ;o)
Ah. Thank you!
Pippa, you're not one of those people that ring computer support and ask where the 'any key' is? ... hehehe

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