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hijacking threads ...

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Metz | 00:06 Sat 17th Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
14 Answers
do you apologise? sometimes i forget and just go with the flow of the convo :o)


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i have done , but try to apologise if i remember and dont get carried away..
i am terrible as i actually can diverse for England : ((
dot..hawkes feels the need to hijack all threads Metz
regular mrs bucket
but dont feel bad about it Metz,we all done it
no apology required
thats life lol
I've hijacked but I do say sorry Metz.
that isn't actually true wild-bill it is a gross exaggeration, if you would rather i did not post using my free will just say, i will ignore you, but you can still lodge a complaint.
zigzag calls me mrs bucket, their influence must have reached your inner psychi wild-bill.
shut your gob mrs bucket
your bad influence lol
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mrs buckets box bedroom (I.T. room) wall must be scrawlled to shreds
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too true
Yes, there is intelligent life on other planets. It is a proven fact that Earth-Beings have been whisked off and away from here by flying saucers and tea-cups etc. and then returned to their point of abduction unharmed, non-radioactive, in pristine condition, and all have stated that the inhabitants of the "place" they were taken to were extremely intelligent: they didn't use the terms "politically correct", "at the end of the day", "venue", or "whatever". Plus they apologized for the hi-jacking. are class :-)

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