I note - without judgement! - that thank-you's are in rather short supply in question threads... perhaps this is a very reasonable attempt to reduce off-topic postings.
In this light, would it be possible for people who have posted a question to have a Thank You button available so that, when they receive an answer, they can click on it and send an automatic thank you email to the person kind enough to answer?
well i am so lazy i just use the star rating system and give 3 stars to almost any answer i get, as giving less than that is quite rude and unacceptable, though not as bad as giving none at all. : ))
I think the star rating button is sufficient - I don't think the people who don't acknowledge answers they receive, will be any more likely to use a button to say thank you, If they can't even be bothered to use the star rating buttons. A nice idea though. :-)
Kewl - far too often the people you go to the trouble of helping don't use the star system OR bother to thank you - OR even let you know that they bothered to take the time to read the answers you took YOUR time to give them. They either have an overblown sense of entitlement OR they think we get PAID to answer their questions. I wish there were a way to prevent them from asking addtional questions if they don't do any of these things - they might be more considerate that way!!!
I try and use the star system but I'm not on here regularly and sometimes I only get a moment to check to see if there is a reply so I usually add a 'thanks in advance' to my question.