I have the option to Report this question visible above this answer and can see Report this answer on threads scattered throughout the site; it should be visible to the left of this...
Thanks all for your replies. I was a bit confused as last night someone posted about the report option being gone. I changed my ID hence the green as you say BOO. Thanks again all for the explanation:-))
I operate from several different public computers and sometimes I see the report option, sometimes I don't. I suppose it's still there, all the time. A browser thing, or something to do with the settings of this or that, I s'pose.
It's a pity we have a report button really. If we didn't your thread where you called marvelman and I muppets and where you offered to meet up with me would still be there.....
Me call you a muppet ummm? Now why would I do that? Btw, what does FFS mean? I've a feeling it's bad language. Am I correct? I dont use it myself you see. Why must you alway's argue? You seen to thrive on it, life's far too short so be nice ummm.
lol dont start again
he called you a muppet for not agreeing with him
she called you a fool for not agreeing with her
Both as bad as each other!
i was called a muppet too, i asked if they would like to meet up with me also, but i think ne2 is a woman, or a very effeminate man trying to make out they are tough, all wind and p!!s.