oh don't be ssssscared - it wasn't a threat, i don't make threats as i find them pointless.
i suspect nothing could be done because saying cruel things on a forum is not illegal - making death threats is - especially if they are then carried out as you claim you are going to.
i don't recall ward ever threatening to hunt you down and hurt you physically ?
you were not harmed were you?
i think you misunderstood me, read what i said thoroughly.
the threats themselves are not the issue, the issue is that if something happens to wardy or umm, you have more or less admitted it was you, and believe me, the fact that they weren't sent to his home address won't matter one bit if you have killed or maimed them... the police and solicitors tend to make more of an effort where murder is involved!
i expect the solicitor laughed his head off when you showed him your reams, as will have poor old steven donoghue, both trying to calm you and shut you up.
i am sure your cousin is delighted to be brought into this, with his full name and occupation listed.
even more links to exactly who you are, ne2, making the job even easier for the police - i assume he is listed with a company somewhere? cardiff perhaps?
and coupled with all your user names - there are more links - unless those names are completey and utterly random and are not members of your family or friends or indeed yourself....which is unlikely, there tends to be some relevance.
i might also add, easier for ward or umm to find you, should they get hurt and wish to retaliate.