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Locking of questions

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Town Crier | 16:16 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers
Could I suggest, if it has not been suggested before, that you lock questions after you have replied, AB Editor.

In the thread, this acceptable, below, if you had locked the thread after your reply, the nonsense that followed, including the giving out of the address to which the original questioner had objected, would not have happened. Please think about it seriously - few of us want suggestions to sink to the level of Body & Soul.


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so you want to deny people the right to reply to the Ed then town crier?
Question Author
Yes, if that is what you consider a right - once the original posters suggestion has been replied to, where is the need for anybody to say any more? In this case, it was a direct and straightforward reply which

A wee bit draconian tho
Question Author
Sorry, did not finish my response - a reply which there was no need for anbody else to say anything afterwards.
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Yes well, draconian it may seem but there was really no need for any of the replies, including my own !! in that thread AB Editor had had her say and what did any of the posts thereafter achieve in regard to the original question? I say none.
I've noticed you've added further replies to it as well TC, rather hypocritical isn't it?
Right so I post a question saying my child has whooping cough.

Answer 1.

Mrs Miggins says "Oh put a spoonful of sugar in a warm glass of lemony and honeyed water and send her to bed before 8pm"

Yes, good answer but needs further opinion. Should the question therefore cease to be answered?

The short answer is No.
I know this is suggs but people are still allowed to give their opinion.

Without one of Wardy's responses how would I know where to book my summer hols :-)
He means just here in Suggestions (I think anyway) Wardy, techincally TC has a point, the category should only be used to post Suggestions to the Ed &Co about the site, not have full blown debates on it.

But we're rebels (or is it Revels?) and waffle away in it anyway ;-)
And who's Mrs Miggins?
I hate to say it but i agree with joe_the_liar you cant stiffle debate just because you are the Ed
didnt the nazi's try that just before our grandparents stuffed them?
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Not at all BOO - if there had been a lock on the question after AB Editors reply, I would not have been able to do so, would I? I would rather have stayed out of the thread altogether, but I am afraid with the level that it was sinking to, I considered I had no option.
No one gave out the address again either. All they said was 'Adams Road/Close' I have a print screen of the address and post code.....

Might pay you a visit Ward ;-)

I'm joking of course......!!!!
It is a term used in Black Adder, but may have an historical significance.

I shall ask in phrases. Watch that space.
That should be stifle
No option eh? I for one am mightily glad you added to the post then, I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight due to missing your pearls of wisdom otherwise ;-)
Question Author
Stifling debate? Go and do that in Body and Soul where it belongs. This is suggestions and once the AB Editor has replied what can be said to make her change her mind? Nothing - what she said was correct and the remaining posts werre unnecessary.
including your which you felt the need to add, slightly hypocritical methinks!!!!
Well actually....what the AB Ed said wasn't strictly correct. They mentioned that they do not know why there is no report option in that thread. There is no report option because it was reported 3 times and then got reinstated. She/he should have known that......
Town Crier.....does this mean then that if someone puts a suggestion up at 5 o/c on a Friday evening we can debate all weekend....while the Ed is having the weekend off....but as soon as they answer then we have to stop.

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