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Do you think night time Abers are different to the daytime crew?

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4getmenot | 10:22 Fri 18th May 2007 | Site Suggestions
31 Answers
I come in here every morning and see argument upon argument and he/she should be reported, I don't like them, who's with me (form of bullying). It's a website for questions and people opinions. Yesterday in the day may I add we had a great debate about smacking children, Now you'd think that would have caused an uproar but no, people had different opinions and took it that way and the questioner thanked us all for our views. So can the night time people just lay off the booze and give me something decent to read and try and answer in the morning. Ta. xx


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I agree. I think there should be some form of moderation from the Eds. They do seem to tolerate these abusive posts, I don't know why?
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most of last nights posts on B & S should just be wiped
not enough people report these threads. Instead of hitting the report answer/question button people would rather start a name and shame thread and gather friends followers.

It all seems to be about do you want to be in my gang and feel they need to be the AB voice.

I think the first page of body & soul is virtually all inappropriate for any younger members. The fighting between those 2 sunk to a pathetic low last night and not just upsetting for those involved.

I think emails to the Ed would be better served if things are that offensive to you. I resent getting attacked for disagreeing but it happens.

Does anyone else feel that B&S seems to have turned into a bit of a dating forum?
totally agree with you 4get!! i never come on here after about 8 or 9pm and the next day i read some posts with jaw hanging open : O i do think they are a totally different 'type' on here in the early hours and like you said some of the arguments that ensue are probably alchohol fuelled, i just get confused (its not difficult) trying to work out whose changed usernames, and who is REALLY who............. then i get bored and stop reading, cos in the light of day what they thought was a heated debate reads like a load of childish (and misspelt) waffle x
That does seem to have got a bit out of hand last night but its not just 2 people.
The eve ABers do seem to do things differently than the daytime. Thats all well and good if they want to have joky threads in the eves but the problem is that the adult humour is still there in all its glory in the morning until ED pops by and clears it up.
Perhaps we should be using the report buttons rather than starting off new threads though.
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I dont know how many I did report this morning for being abusive but nothing is done unless enough people report it. So maybe ED might take notice of this hence why I put it here and not in B & S. and yes goodsoul it des get a bit flirty and desperate at night and curly completely agree that they both look so childish.
It's actually very rarely I report anything but when I came on this morning I went through B&S like a dose of salts.
The questions were of a primary school level of innuendo and the rest were just nit picking and bullying.
I came on last night once the kids were asleep and was faced with a question asking women to say whether they prefer it hard and fastblah, blah. No innuendo there - my first thought was that if I had recieived a phone call from a man asking me this I would call the police and reort a pervert. So I reported it and turned off the computer.
I don't care that I'll get called a prude, told it's only a bit of fun and so on; this is an open site, not a one man show.
Rant over.x
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seems like you dose of salt worked, most of the slugs are gone :-)
Meant to add that the daytime crew are great. Like you said there can still be differences of opinion but people are treated with respect and nobody is singled out for holding a different viewpoint from someone else.
This has been a really tough week for me and I've not felt up to facing the outside world and would probably have cracked up if I hadn't come on here and got myself involved in cyber world.
So a big thanks to all of you. x
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I am glad you thought that too Yinyang cause I spoke out about it and got picked on. As per normal. Anyway, glad to see the Ed cleared all the oobish up!
I think some answerbankers should have personal, sensible monitors that have to have their posts vetted before they are allowed to post for a small period of time so they can learn a sense if decency. Im not volunteering myself as I doubt I am deemed sensible or appropriate lol
Sorry Goudsoulette, didn't see you being picked on or I would have stood up for you. I skimmed through the first couple of answers and people seemed to be joining in the 'fun' so, like I said I just reported it and left.
Now of cousre because we've all followed the rules and used the report function all the worst questions are gone and we look like a bunch of moaning minnies. : )
that alright the freaky snobby slightly gay goth didnt lose any sleep over it lol
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They can think what they like. Thats what report buttons are there for. The ones I reported I found abusive. and a complete waste of AB space.
is that what they called you, Goodsoulette? That made me laugh, especially the slightly gay goth - sounds like something from Little Britain.

not all in one go no, Yinyang! I clumped them together to add effect!
i've reported a few myself. with the time differance for me i get caught with the nite abers. some of the profanity shocks me. i went on with my neice one night and was horrified. they were basicaly having sex on line. i reported it imidiatly.(bad speller) i will admit some chatty threads i get involved in, but not the sexual ones.

should i stand gaurd at night foy all? so you wont have to bother with the filth in the morn!

by the way i haven't been on in ages. got a my space acct. been playin on that.
I always thought that the Dayers and the Nighters were physically the same people who experienced a rather bizarre character metamorphosis once the sun slowly slinked below the horizon.
Hello 4get, I used to visit the site nearly every night, and it used to be great, some serious questions, a bit of a laugh and a few links to music, funny videos etc, but I don't do it very often now, not after about 11pm anyway, some nights it is still good but other nights it is just bloody ridiculous.

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