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nannon | 15:34 Fri 25th May 2007 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
about area's in london...has been moved to technology - internet - if anyone could help...Thanks!!!


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Personally I wouldn�t choose to live in Wembley although I have relatives nearby, and Harrow is probably too much along the Heathrow flight path for my liking. Ealing is ok, some nice leafy places around there and plenty of shops and cafes near the Broadway. I have lived in Kingston and found it to be very pleasant in the right parts � although the people seemed to have a snooty �we are nearly Richmond� air about them. It had a good selection of pubs and clubs, and of course nearby places to visit (Richmond, Kew Gdns, Hampton Court) with some pleasant Thames River walks. The other consideration is where you would be working as some places have better transport links than others (Kingston is not on the tube network but has good train links nonetheless).

On a safety point, I would personally rank as follows from best to worst:


Although of course, everywhere changes when it gets dark, so caution is advised.
i luuurve kew & richmond but i dont have a hope in hell of living there. sounds like i am not too far from u octavius
Wimbledon ....I lived there for over twenty years and felt far safer there than I do now in an east coast town in Norfolk !
Tube into London...good shopping ,restaurants ,etc ..the only downside prices .
Question Author
thats great thank you - Kiingston is sill top of my list i think!!!! Suprised about harrow - i thought this was a really nice area!!
My friend lives in Richmond and she loves it, her son goes out with Georgia Jaggar (think it's spelt like that) who lives round the corner so it obviously tales all sorts.
there are some nice parts in Harrow, like anywhere really there are good and bad areas. Pinner and Northwood are both very nice, but a bit pricey. Places like Eastcote, Ruislip and Ickenham are nice too. I'm sorry to disagree with Octavius, but I wouldn't put Wembley above Harrow for safety or anything else!

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