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Thanks alot AB - Not!

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Hellyon | 21:45 Fri 22nd Jun 2007 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
You moved my question regarding 'Secret Millionaire' from B&S to Society and Cuilture so it would get more answers and I've had one. I think I know best what category I want to put my question in so will you please stop moving them!


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oooooooooo, handbags at dawn!!!!!!!!! But I agree with Hellyon, an experienced ABer has a nose for these things.
I think that the AB ed question on Eldest Siblings being smarter belongs in Society and Culture - its a pity we can't move it!
experienced ABers want to put everything in B&S. Unfortunately one poor section can't cope. Already it is having problems with subsidence and water is starting to come through the ceiling. Meanwhile the vast top-lit halls of S&C are visited only by biddies coming in occasionally to blow away the cobwebs. I think the Ed is sensibly tryng to spread the load.
jno I think you'll find the sewage pipes in B & S have been broken for a while too, judging by all the crap that's in there...
I rarely look in Body and Soul - a lot of the 'questions' are just an excuse to chat.

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Do you know the answer?

Thanks alot AB - Not!

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