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Its the weekend

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JackDanielsU | 13:57 Sun 12th Aug 2007 | Site Suggestions
8 Answers
And Sports AnswerBank is again DOWN!!!!

A common problem over the weekends......any idea why???

Now is the perfrect time to talk about football, rugby etc, and its pointless coing here now!!


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Pointless comin' here now??

How very dare you!
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Oh you know what I mean BOO (I hope)

I still dip my toe into Media and Adverts,.... but me need Sports

boo.......a man without sports is like a women without shopping....

not vital but an enjoyment
Never mind LFC's 2-1 win away from or the fact that Rooney has broken his foot, this piece of news has made my weekend!!

AB could not organize a **** up in a brewery!
Splendid news on Manure not winning. Also great news on Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal winning by a single goal.

Meanwhile..............Big Sams black and White army sit proudly at the top of the tree! :-)

How terribly inconvienient for the 4 SAB users that they are unable to discuss the weekends croquet and water polo results many as 4 ? .....sumone must b using muliple usernames !! lol

ive got rooney in most of my fantasy teams .....grrrrrrrr typical !!

ha ha, your'e probably right mate!

I think i have rooney in only 1 of my teams, in the daily mail i think
ed sort it

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Its the weekend

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