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crossroads | 15:32 Thu 16th Aug 2007 | Site Suggestions
78 Answers
You all seem to think i am joking when i say i have the tools to bring this website down tempory, and i do.
I am not lying. I entered the answerbanks ip address into the program and was about to click, attack server when i realised that i would get into trouble. I have no reason to attack answerbank. I came to my senses and so all of you who don't believe me will have to just believe me untill answerbank ban me.
Anyway, i'd also like to say well done on the search bar, although could you add a little orange banner to the top of it saying search, that would brighten it up a bit.


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dude i don't care!!!
Do you wanna have a bigger head no one believes you!!!
Right i'll be big headed now i am a computer programmer and a web buster just try your luck matey!!!
Do we have an interpreter in the house??
"My boss is using it" what a weak excuse.....

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I'm not trying to be big headed!
oldgrape, this is aimed at the users who asked me for proof, and being as you are not one of those users i suggest you don't worry about it.
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girlygirly, he's testing a website server and it takes aboput 5mins.
I can't do anything untill he comes off it, oh sorry he's just come off it. I'll copy the software to my disk now, then set it up and i'll be ready for when AB ban me and efc shall have SAb destroyed!!!
Crossroads reminds me of an ex of mine.....

I'll repeat the challenge I made to you yesterday...

How about showing us the spiffing things you make. Go on, post some links to the sites you have built. Put them under the scrutiny of the users here to assess.

You wouldn't dare because you are a coward

I would bet my house that the things you build are boring and worthless and that you are just jealous of AB site because it actually gets visitors.

Please prove me wrong!
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well you can think what you like.
He wont Gromit coz he is just a spotty teenager on his summer holidays lol!!!!
I can tell you work �in computers� as you are boring the buck out of me. I bet you�ve got the biggest hard drive in the office and all the latest gadgets.

Is it because nobody joined your forum?
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gromit, i don't build websites, i just put the java into them, if you wanna see our example site then i will post it.
Girlygirly, your posts are very childish, grow up lol.
I sense SWS (that's Small Willy Syndrome) here, crossroads would you like to chat about your "little" problem? I'm a trained psychotherapist I can help you
well im just terrified,,,,,,,,,,,yawn yawn yawn
Says the spotty teenager?!?!?!?!
I am sorry for you, that must be so very boring.

I eagerly await the link to the example site.
Whyyyyyyyyyyyy are we waiting..........
do it xroads
just do it ffs
Question Author
We don't have and example site, but we made this website for microsoft:
That was the most recent one that we finished last week.
Anyway, as i said before those who find it boring this was aimed at those who wanted proof, not those who arn't bothered.
Question Author
btw: Graphics and stuff was supplied by microsoft for us to put on the website.

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