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4gottenabout | 19:28 Wed 05th Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
77 Answers
Yet again 4getmenot has vanished, but only some posts and I cant post any new questions. If this is someone reporting under various usernames its getting very tedious


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how many arguments and sub-arguments are going on in this thread? Who thinks they are having n argument on here with someone and who isn;t? it is confusing me.
spot the typos .

methinks theres something afoot here
I know it is hard to believe there are two people who are that dull and extremely dim, but I don't think 4getmenot has the brain power to amster sign in/sign out.
smiffey, 4 get is sooooooooon not Rev!
legend ,NOPE, you got me on that one!
and 4get, you are so cheeky! ;-)
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Dont like? Thats a bit silly for a website. I've agreed on some things you've said diasgreed on others, you should learnj to take that not everyone agrees with you. And yer I stopped e-mailing but you were a bit pervy. Dont have to be nasty on here though do we.
Yes, she is.
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I'm not arguing with anyone dot. some people just take things to heart I guess. its funny how I'm too dim to sign in and out yet he keeps calling me forgetmenot.
wtf 4get
stop right now

you talk drivel

im starting to agree with smiffy now
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stop with what? I'm being honest. show me a post where I've had to use nasty words or abuse you hey. I just stopped e-mailing because I didnt really find you that interesting, sorry. And you kept suggesting things.
There are different ways of abuse. There is the type I do, which is direct, truthful and to the point. Then there is your type, the sneaky comments, the private jokes on public threads started by new users. Sneaky and malicious. Oh and dull.
We've got 'yer', and now 'methinks' has crept in. Methinks is the worst possible travesty of English in its pomposity. Why not just say 'I think' ?
Some idiots have no knowledge of the English language. (4getmenot)

The worst ones:

and now - Yer.

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where did that creep in. I've always wondered why the word abbreviation is so long
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and then the spelling of necessary when people pput neseccary hey whiffey
What a lovely sunny day its been today.
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I've always wanted to know what does your username stand for hau kola?
4getmenot/4gottenabout/revenendfunk is away at a friends house having dinner. She can't possibly be on here all night can she now!
4get you talk p1sh

ive just read all the emails .
dunno what youre on about .
forward back to me the suggestive ones im waiting patiently.

Hello friend in Lakota Sioux.
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I got rid of all you e-mails but I'm sure you put the same at the bottom of everyones, 'go on you know you wan to' sorry but didnt like that, but you're ok on here sometimes :-)

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