why when i post a question or answer does it take a long time to come up? only appears in my profile!! its so frustrating when i want to join in discussions and my answer isn't coming up. when first started it came up straight away so why not now? posted my replys so why is it not showing till a lot later if at all. getting me down.
Hi hussy sometimes when i post an answer it comes up that the page cannot be found, if i try again it works ok... it can be tempremental at times just keep with it though and you should be fine:))))))
hi dot not on dial up, just was having such a hard time getting my questions and answers posted quickly, couldn't join in any discussions, but I'm back!
hi louisa wish it had been that simple! all the time it was in profile but didn't end up posted till few days later if at all, it was sooo frustrating when i wanted to join in the fun but couldn't.
no it's not a bad thing... you go for it Legend.... hey i'm only helping you along :)))) have you tried those Thialand (sp) web sites Legend remember if you do find a suitable wife i want an invite to the wedding... that is if your looking for a wife and not a bit of rumpy pumpy lol :))))
and at first its great,relaxing ,makes you feel good and brightens up your evening after a hard day at work.
then after a while it gets a bit same old same old.
then you find it less and less appealing.
until finally you hardly bother with it and youd gladly sell it at a car boot sale for a fiver.
unfortunately everyone else has one and its not that easy to get rid of.
car boot sale that doesn't work... my fiance says it's better to go to morrocco you get offered a camel... at least :)))) but i told him the guy won't be too happy when he realises that he sold one creature that's got the hump for another :)))))
OK here goes!
Female - 37 - size 4 - Chinese - blue - bikini (of course) - both. sorry, this answer might take while to get posted, its not AB this time! server not found! and just read reply again, not lesbian incase that came across.