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Isnt it time........

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Psychick | 20:47 Thu 15th Nov 2007 | Site Suggestions
68 Answers
........that the powers that be at AB start blocking I.P. numbers to ban people once and for all?
I think those who post nothing but abuse and nasty vindictive threads should be given a warning via email from the Ed and then have their I.P. address blocked if it continues. That way, they cannot simply come back with another username just to throw more abuse around. Other websites do it, and I have, as have others, mentioned it before. So why hasnt it been done?


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some people (eg me) work from more than one computer.
Some people will complain that would block public internet access, like in libraries or internet cafes.

I would expect Psy that there are people on here you like guilty of malicious posts. You might just not perceive them as that. One person on here gets a regular bashing and I have been here a couple of years and never seen her post anything nasty, but then maybe that is just my perception.
I think there is a phone number listed under the profile screen, maybe we should start ringing it more often, they always answer between 9 and 5 and are always very polite : ) I have only ever phoned the once and the lady who answered was very polite and knew exactly what i was on about, i think it was either B00, Julie or Smudge. (moonlighting)
me too goods, I wonder why their is so much hostility aimed at her all the time...?
errr that made no sense.

Total lack of commas sorry as was to busy watching Angel.

I would expect Psy, that there are people on here you like that are guilty of malicious posts.
phone AB?!! thats a scary thought dot, its like phoning your boss after hours for a chat

and as if my magic..
If it was polite then it definitely wasn't me :-)

And ooo get jno, multitasking now eh?
Some sites do it, but it isn't at all straightforward. Your IP address often varies from session to session.

Do you penalise mum and the kids if dad is a bit of a bu$$er on the family pc ?

What about people who post from the public library, or large organisations - do you ban that ?

Lastly, it never helps to keep going on about it. This evening's particular vileness is all but impossible to exclude. Personally I think these people should be tracked down and shot, not IP-banned.
I totally agree.

But what happens when I go off on one when some unnamed welsh witch wishes my wife was raped before she died? Do I get banned as well?

We can put men on the moon, split the atom and make rationed food heat up on its own with a chemical reaction in the can, surely they can sort it out.

I get alot of bother too but take bags of no notice these days as i wake up every morning quite happy and healthy, you should tell her to chill and step over it
that advice to step over it came from Elvis68 who is a very very wise old hector
really psych, I think a better course of action would be for more efficiency in the reporting of posts, I have reported the post in family life as many of you probably have but how long do we wait for action??
Where was this evenings vileness?

I think we all probably have at least one other user that gives a hard time for almost no reason.
Somebody was really nasty about legend earlier.
I think it went, didn't it cazz? Takes quite a bit of co-ordinted reporting to get rid of one, though, presumably to stop certain people doing it by themselves under multi-aliases.

Mind you, I was so surprised to be told it was a spoof...
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You have all made very vaild points and I thank you for taking the time to answer. I am not technically minded, far from it, so, as it has never been explained to me or anyone else who has suggested it why it couldnt really be done, blocking IP's was the first thing I thought of.
You are right goodsoulette, there is one or two who I like but can misbehave themselves but they do not go as far as some others. Maybe if the ones who are really nasty get banned, the others would calm down and use the site properly as they do when the nasty folk arent around.
I have no solutions to this problem, if there is one that would work for all users, but surely there is more the technically minded and Ed can be doing to help prevent such posts in the future?
I would ban some users in a second, and whiffey suggests that to ban one IP address would be unfair on others at the same address? In the army we would punish the whole section/platoon for just one person who f****d up they would then show the offender the error of there ways,which sorted out the wrongdoing individual.
End of problem
Speaking for myself, I think AB is a most unwelcoming site. I look in on occasions just to see bad feeling and hatred between fellow users. I am welsh and we celts are known for our friendliness so to read a post from Bewlay Bros shouting down a fellow welsh person makes me ask is he racist? An IP can be traced.
Ahhhh ^^^^

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