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Getting ridiculous now

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4getmenot | 11:33 Tue 04th Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
17 Answers
Ok Ok calm down on having a go at the ED, yes the sites been slow and as they have said they've had some difficulties but they have tried keeping us up to date where they can, everyone has a right to complain but they are not going to listen to rude people, there is a way to get a point accross and being impolite isnt one of them. It has annoyed me too but there is such thing as patience. You cant expect to have an incredible site with no teething problems


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( .... hangs head in shame and saunters into the confessional box .... )

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yer and dont come back till you've thought long and hard about what you've done!! lol
I think all this irritation and impatience could have been avoided if the Editor had taken the trouble to keep us informed about their problems from a very early stage. However she did update her blog yesterday and has promised to keep us posted. I think that provided she keeps her side of the bargain and really does let us know what progress - or lack of it - they are making, we should all give her the benefit of the doubt and bear with it.
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they did say when the problems first started and told us in advance when the site was going to be shut down, yes sometimes you havent benen warned, so yes you can complain but without rudeness
As a penance, I shall make a substantial contribution to my local off license!
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Dont you step out of that corner!! Get back there now!!
Do I have to keep wearing this silly hat?
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Can I get dressed yet?
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I'm freezing here!
Aha! An open window! I'm off!
Answerbank is too slow to catch me!
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her side of the bargain? What bargain? The way people go on, anyone would think they'd paid a fee to enter the site and had been deprived of something that's rightfully theirs. Get a grip, folks. The site's free; you can use it or not use it as you please. The advertisers may have cause to complain if their ads aren't getting a proper showing. Ordinary users do not. If you don't like it, there are approximately one gazillion other websites out there you can go and look at. But don't just sit there whingeing.
I have noticed some marked improvements today.

Well done Techies and AB Ed.

Next time, if it aint broke..........
-- answer removed --
Moaning is free. Moaning is fun.
Moaning is a way of life. It's very British.

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