After having several, and then beggaring about, I have lost the ability to get an avatar. Everytime I try to upload one, it comes back with no image. Any hints or clues please as t how I can sucessfully get one.
good idea, they've got nothing to do <another section comes crashing down, scattering quizzes and puzzles to the winds; Sheila's Wheels is swept downstream in the flood; angry users carrying placards reading Death to the Ed are sucked away by passing tornado>
hello, looks like you've got yourself a default aviator, one of those grey figures... so can you upload an aviator now? I'll never know as Beta AB has frozen on me again.
cetti I cannot take the praise for it. I emailed the techies, then gave up the ghost and went to town for a coffee, when I came back, there was a grey avatar, which I hadn't had earlier and lo and behold ( tis the season - no?) I was able to do my avatar, BUT cannot get onto beta to see it.
She's adorable - just like the one in Snow White who sings ....put it together and what have you got - bibbity, bobbity, boo...or words to that effect!!