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kezia_88 | 14:34 Fri 20th Aug 2004 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
I think there should be catorgories for teens which adults could help us with our problems over boys,girls arguments home life ect and also one for sex problems that adults could help young teens with or if any adults have any problems with. Also a section on fashion thanks x


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I disagree - this site should be more specifically a fact-based Question-and-Answer site rather than an agony-aunt/advice/counselling site. There are presumably other chat-sites or groups which would be more suitable for those sorts of things.
I agree with bernardo - there are plenty of sites that already do this stuff very well. Answerbank is a Q+A site, not a forum / chat room.
So do I.
Agree there are better sites for this kezia.
You can already find a lot of questions and corresponding answers like this in the body and soul category.

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