It would be great if I could see a list of all my submitted questions and answers (with dates) in the 'My Details' section. That way I could find them alot easier.
On another site (I think it's when you sign in you are reminded of all of the threads that you are taking part in. This would save me suggesting an answer to something, someone asking for clarification and then never getting a reply from me as I've forgotten about the thread altogether. Good idea Wraith!
The code to implement this idea is relatively simple but it may place a high demand on AB's servers/databases and slow the site down.
I'm in total aggreement. I have a pretty bad memory, and sometimes I can't remember what i titled my questions, which makes it even harder to locate in the archives, due to the fact that i would have to go thru and look at all of the thousands of threads in that category, and i may not even be looking in the right one. That would be a great addition to the site.