That we should give legend on here a knighthood and leg I aint taking the pee I am serious.
ED legend has kept this site alive with his mondane (I dont know what that means but it felt right) posts and he is one of the biggest AB pullers on here And his fights with whiffy are legendairy almost as good as mine. And that dont mean that I have missed you all others out there and you have so many names and I cant say them all but all you nice peeps that I love and respect on here you know who you are. So I will say hello to you all and there are just to many to mention.
Oh and bye the way the stiches in my leg are healing very well and will be out on monday
knobby i can't believe that youm are asking for a VC FOR YOUR MATE ********, THERE ARE TWO PEOPLE ON HERE WHO HAVE RUINED THE SITE AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM
Dear Dear. I have been away on other sites for days now and i come back and the same arguments are still going on. What is it exactly that is getting up everyone's nose? From what I'm reading, it seems everyone wants everyone else to shutup! Besides, I didn't think this was the chatterbank section - or am i mistaken and it has been moved?