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AB Editor | 16:29 Fri 03rd Oct 2008 | Site Suggestions
82 Answers
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what can we do about the sports section?? is it coming back to its original place??

ps.... hello
get rid of grivitate first. everything has gone bold.
Question Author
The sports section will be moved when the new site comes out, not many people like it there and it's been in beta for ages now.
Please pretty please can I have my original "whiffey" name back. I won't misbehave.
can we have a kitesurfing section of are you tooo boring for that?
Hello Ed.

So far, all seems well during the weekdays, however as you know the 'sillies' come out at night at at weekends. Can we expect any moderation during those times?

Question Author
Sorry. Once it's gone, it's gone... please keep behaving though!
We've got a friend in need if anyone would like to say some kind words... ture/Religion-and-Spirituality/Question634465. html
If whiffey gets his back can I have mine back pretty pretty please with a great big cherry on top?
Psssst ...... Ed ..........

Doc.Spock's gonna give yer butt a cyber kick, 'cos he don't like you calling us girlies 'guys' .......
What would you say your favourite flavour of jelly bean is?

Are you more of a cat or dog person?

Any medical conditions we should know about? Particularly embarrassing ones?

What would you say is your favourite tree?

Stop being so sexist....there are gals here as well!
-- answer removed --
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Hi Boo,

Moderation on weekends and out of office hours is tricky at the moment. You can only reach the admin for AB from our offices and no where else unless you set up a VPN connection. This is certainly on the cards and hopefully it'll come about soon.

I'd like to see some of the moderating powers given to you guys when the new website gets made.
Girls perhaps... Not many ladies though, speaking of which, how you doing Boobies? ;0P
so regarding the sports section, will it be in the same site as the good old AB or will we have to go into another site like it is now?

you would have to admit that there are no real users of this section like there used to be before the change?

also, i have sent you an email regarding this.... but if you did make a success of the sports section would you send an email to the user who deserted us when it was changed for the worse?

PS..... what is you favorite jelly bean?
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