Nope.... Nothing there I can see that looks different. As to free drinks... are we talking a classy establishement or a meat market? It will make a difference.
Afternoon Ed.
Well i'll be away from here till Monday a.m. probably in order to avoid having to read the vile and tasteless user-names that crawl out from under their stones every weekend.
hi ed, are you going to look into some sort of weekend moderating? the current trend of trolls and bad behaviour is causing a lot of people to avoid answerbank at the weekends.
At the weekends, Caz? I thought it was pretty much all the time...;O)
Since you're asking, I'm good! Been getting a bit embroiled in my "neighbourly" relationships with the two young hunks next I shall change my name to MrsRobinson from today!
Oh, and I just got a great deal from my broadband provider, so good start to the week end. :O)